Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bloglovin' me some librarian blogs!

This is just how excited one can be when you are told that there are sites that combine ALL of your blogs that you read into ONE feed!

Yep, that is me showing joy that I can read my top five blogs at Bloglovin'!  You can sign in with your Facebook and even share what you find inspirational with others! This was also the easies to create and set up. There are blog suggestions or you can do what I did and search the blogs you want. There was not a librarian category, maybe we should change that! The name is also fun and I am never ashamed to admit if marketing works!  

I looked into other blog readers but was not impressed. I also looked at Bloglines and Newsblur .  Bloglines has a cool local lean, unfortunately there just aren't enough Dallas/Ft. Worth blogs that I want to follow right now for librarians. PLEASE let me know if you find a great one because I would love to read it! Newsblur looked really cool in the trial and I liked all the options but I could not login and they kept wanting me to pay a membership fee. They say it is free but the hassle was a huge turn off. 

So, what are the 5 top blogs I like to read and can now read in one place? Glad you asked! 

These are ranked in no particular order, I have a favorite that changes as each post is posted.

A Media Specialist Guide to the Internet is a great blog about combining the technological side of our job an the library side. The catch phrase is, "You never know when you need a cybrarian." This blog is not authored by just one author but a consortium of librarians from all levels and paths. I also like that the blog allows for guest blogs. It is through a guest blog that I found out about Research Ready from the makers of Easylib. There are tips for just about every aspect of the library. The blog is not the most visually appealing, it is all grey bars and menus but the information more than makes up for the aesthetics. 

The Blue Skunk Blog is authored by Doug Johnson and addresses everything from technology, librarians, teachers, education, education politics and fantastic ramblings. I always like his spin on things and appreciate his off beat sense of humor. I find his site a place to mull over things and really like when he makes personal posts as well. His latest post is about cleaning out your home(page) and offers good tips. 

The Adventures of Library Girl  is authored by Jennifer LaGarde and I just love her. She pushes the edge with technology, she even created a livebinder on her blog with so many fantastic resources for librarians.  She is the blog that suggested using QRC codes to update books that you cant order newer versions of with the most current up to date websites and information. She speaks at events and is always sharing things that I really want to replicate. 

The Daring Librarian is the most visual inspiring blog and where I one day want to be! It is also cool that the author is also a Mrs. Jones, just like me!  She incorporates awesome graphics for all of her posts and she inserts appropriate humor to keep the reading entertaining. I always enjoy her witty style and blend of personal and professional. I also want to figure out how to embed tweets like her! 

The Unquite Librarian is authored by Buffy Hamilton.  I will not lie, I was first interested in this blog when I read the about page and found out her name was Buffy, for any pre-teen/teen who grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you might understand. Yes, she is a blond as well! Besides my teenage connection to her name, she writes great blogs about pushing what it means to be a modern librarian. 

Check them out and then come back to see how I grow as a librarian as well! After all, I am just starting this journey. Shine on friends! 

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