Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I got the 411 in a Visual Aid! AKA: Infographic

In my grad school classes at Sam Houston State University in the lone star state of Texas, we have been asked to present an article from the Pew Research Center in an infographic.

To say I freaked out, well that would be an understatement. Part of becoming a librarian is stretching and embracing technology so here I go!

Before I could even look at articles I had to know, what is an infographic and why does spell check not recognize this as a real thing? Well, it is! After direction from Dr. Perry, I was able to find this great site!: 10 Tips For Designing Infographics

The research article I found that really interested me was Where Teens Seek Online Privacy Advice written by Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden, Sandra Cortesi, Urs Gasser and Aaron Smith. In the article it talks about who teens turn to about privacy in the largest context of social media but online privacy in general. Here is my first infographic to explain the articles findings:
To create the Infographic I used the free site easel.ly it is a great site and you really have to play around with the features to get the hang of the site, I made the mistake of clearing and lost everything and had to start over more than once!

Other sites to check out would be Piktochart and Infogr.am.

To check out the article yourself:
Cortesi, Sandra, Gasser, Urs, Lenhart, Amanda, Madden, Mary, Smith, Aaron. (August 15, 2013). Where teens seek online privacy advice. Pew Research Internet Project. Retrieved from:http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/08/15/where-teens-seek-online-privacy-advice/

Pew Research page count: 7 pages

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