Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Alexie, S. (2007). The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian. NY: Little Brown.  Junior is a highschool student with promise despite being born with water on the brain. He is also Indian living on the reservation, which no one leaves, where he is a constant punch line with his peers. After a nudge to consider the White school a great distance from his home, he enrolls. Junior now has to navigate being a traitor to his people and fitting into the White school. He does this by defining who he is with the help of a new found friend and longing of his old best friend. This book cracked me up the entire read. Alexie wrote a book that not only Native Americans could identify with but any boy navigating puberty and high school.  Due to the mention several times of boners and masturbation, I would recommend this book to high school students and not for a classroom read for teachers. 

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